Varennes-sur-Allier. The echoes of the Varennes Basket Club (BCV). After a busy weekend for the teams of the Varennes Basket Club (BCV), especially at home with 4 games, the results are positive.
The U11s received Moulins Basket 2. Their team spirit and determination allowed them to win, 34-12.
The U13s had to lose 12-36 against Saint-Yorre, after a match without interest.
The U18 girls from Varennes outclassed their counterparts from Aigueperse by winning their match, 80-24. Their trainer, Gérard Lepez has big ambitions for this 3 e phase.
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The seniors confirm their 1 re place in the championship by winning their match, 86-32, against Gannat.
The big disappointment comes from the U17s, traveling to Saint-Flour. After resisting at the start of the game, the BCV players really forgot to play as a team. They lose 102-43.
Meet on Sunday April 10 for the BCV’s annual flea market, under the covered market.