“Everything is really different here” – RSI Swiss Radio and Television

From the envoy to Beijing Marcello Ierace

Alpine skiing, badminton and curling. Three disciplines that apparently have nothing to do with each other. Apart from the passion for sport. And when there is that no matter what you do, it is the thrill of competitive spirit, the desire to compare yourself with others, the need to be well with yourself that matters more than anything else. And they know something Françoise Jacquerod and Cynthia Mathez, who in Beijing are busy with the curling team, but who have already experienced the Paralympics, always dressed in red-cross dress, but, in fact, in completely different disciplines.

For Françoise Jacquerod, who was only on the picket line in PyeongChang and therefore did not have the Korean experience, this is a return to the Games after 34 years. In 1988, the 58-year-old Valaisian had already taken part in the Paralympics in Innsbruck, also winning two gold medals in alpine skiing in the sitting category. “It is completely different – she told us herself – At the time we could celebrate, do what we wanted. It was completely different from this situation. These Beijing Games are truly closed Games. Everything is different”.

We had a great experience in Innsbruck, with a splendid opening ceremony
Francoise Jacquerod

The previous Paralympic experience of Cynthia Mathez, 36 years old from the Bernese Jura, was decidedly fresher, who in 2020 represented Switzerland in Tokyo in badminton, touching a bronze in the doubles tournament and finishing in seventh place in the singles. “Here compared to Tokyo I arrived with other feelings and I feel totally different – he explained – It was not something planned and foreseen. The federation contacted me last year to get a replacement in case someone got sick. And so I entered. in the team, I trained and now I am here. I have not given great advice to my teammates, also because they are all grown-ups and adults and do not need my advice. The only thing you have to do is stay calm and enjoy this extraordinary experience “.

I have the experience of Tokyo behind me, it is true, but here in Beijing I feel much more nervous
Cynthia Mathez


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