Intermittent rains on the second day of the II Fhimasa League in Abra

Joseph Capetillo




The 2nd Fhimasa League Light Sailing Trophy continued in the Biscayan waters of the Abra, completing its second day with intermittent rains and northwesterly winds. The Optimist class boats, ILCA 6 420 sailed in the interior Abra, while the Snipe class participants went a little further outside in this event organized by the Real Club Marítimo del Abra-Real Sporting Club. Among the sailors of this last class there is a change of leadership, since now it is Amadeo Torrens and Imanol Elorrieta (Lgante) who lead the classification with 10 points, one less than Tomás Trueba and Matheus Franco (Fhimasa-Sparnaz). Third place goes to Enrique Arriola and Pablo Gomeza -Go Sailing Shop- (16 points), with Peru Abásolo and Martín Bueno (Argucia) in fourth place.

Manolo and Tanis Rey-Baltar (Fhimasa Lastrin) now go from first to fifth place.

In addition, in Optimist G1, Martín Verastegui is first with his two first places, with Iñigo Arechavala second, Álvaro Bouza third and Laida Aguirre in fourth place. Already in Optimist G2, the first place is for Temo Usán, with Andrea Criado and Ignacio Buján completing the podium.

As far as the ILCA 6 class is concerned, Gabriel Oraá is the solid leader and big favorite having won all three races held so far. They are followed in the classification by Jon Ander Balado and Gaspar Gallinger. And among the 420, first place goes to Daniela and Paula Voss-Díaz Blanco thanks to their two wins. Four points behind the leaders are Ignacio Castillo and Gabriel Arrutia, with a tie for third between Mariana and Inés Herrero and Jimena Aja and Amelia Basterra.

The next rounds of this second Fhimasa League will be next March 20.

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