Renowned Venezuelan Olympic gold medalist Julius Majora has embarked on a journey too Cuba to compete in the XL International Tournament «Manuel Suárez in Memoriam.» This prestigious event is a significant milestone in the world of weightlifting, attracting top athletes from across the globe.
Taking to Twitter under the handle @julio_mayoraOLY,Majora shared his enthusiasm,stating,”this tournament,my friends,offers qualifying spots for the @centrocaribesports in El Salvador 2023. With determination and faith, I aim to secure one of those spots.” His message reflects both his ambition and the high stakes of the competition.
The XL edition of the Manuel Suárez In Memoriam International Tournament is scheduled to run from March 14 to 20 in Cuba. This year’s event boasts participation from 18 countries, making it a truly international affair. The tournament not only honors the legacy of Manuel Suárez but also serves as a platform for athletes to showcase their skills on a global stage.
According to reports from La Prensa, over 200 elite athletes specializing in barre and discs will converge at this competition. The event promises to be a thrilling display of strength, precision, and sportsmanship, drawing attention from fans and media alike. WIL/JML
Saturday !! I am grateful!!
From March 13 to 20, I will be in Varadero, Cuba, participating in the XL INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT
This event, my people, offers qualifying spots for the @centrocaribesports in El Salvador 2023, and with God’s will, I will secure one of those spots
– MAYORA JULY OLY (@julio_mayoraOLY) March 12,2022