Lapuerta beats Laura Martnez in the Spanish duel for gold in -48 kg at the Prague Open

LSpanish judoka Mireia Lapuerta won the gold medal in the category of up to 48 kilos at the Prague Open, after beating the also Spanish Laura Martínez by ‘ippon’ this Saturday, in an exciting final that was resolved in the ‘technique of gold’.

Extra time in which Lapuerta, who last week already won the bronze medal at the Warsaw Open, He once again showed the great moment of form that he is going through after beating his rival by 34 seconds. Mireia Lapuerta beat, among others, the Chilean Mary Dee Vargas, number 18 in the world ranking, in the quarterfinals.

They were not the only medals for the Spanish delegation, which added a bronze in the category of up to 52 kilos by Izaskun Ballesteros. The judoka from Toledo, after falling in the semifinals against the German Annika Wurfel, who ultimately won the gold medal, climbed to the third step of the podium, winning by ‘ippon’ in the playoff final against the Dutch Rachel van of Meeberg.

Less fortunate was the Navarran Jaione Equisoain, who was unable to repeat the bronze medal she won last week at the Warsaw Open, after losing to Switzerland’s Evelyne Tschopp in the play-off final.

The Spanish Jaume Bernabu also stayed at the gates of the podium (-60), Daniel Prez (-66) and José Antonio Aranda (-73), who had to settle for fifth place in their respective categories after losing in the last match of the playoffs.


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