Normcore tennis: the (most common) style mistakes when wearing them in 2022

Normcore tennis: the (most common) style mistakes when wearing them in 2022

The tennis normcore are dominating the 2022 shoe trends. From Eva Longoria until Katie Holmes they have taken them to do the shopping or go for a walk for a coffee. But what happens when you’re not a celebrity with stylists to advise you? Well to wear this Sports shoes successfully in everyday life (without falling into error) it is only enough to follow certain style tricks.

The first thing you have to know is that the origin of normcore sneakers that have returned in 2022 was thanks to those defenders of anti-trends who sought practicality above all else. Ironically, this preference for that minimalist and without ornaments culminated in one of the trends larger: the conventional. here there is not slogans Of brands or labels with logos that give away the talented designer behind their clothing, what is essential are the pure and traditional lines that do not attract attention.

Now, among the tennis designs that will be a trend throughout 2022, the pairs of sports shoes normcore they stand out for being very versatile, you can use them with suits miniskirts and jackets how was it used to go to the office in the eighties or baggy jeans (very baggy) as we saw them on the catwalks of Missoni and Givenchy. Here we have a guide so you know what to replace what is no longer in vogue and avoid some styling mistakes.

What are the mistakes when wearing normcore tennis?

Normcore sneakers and flare pants

Fashion week guests.

Foto: Edward Berthelot/Getty Images.

We know that the cuts camped from the seventies they are back, but the catwalks dictated that they are worn low to the floor. Also, if you are petiteyou will know what to wear jazz pants at the wrong height it could take several inches off your height (and no one wants that). Here you have two options: take tennis normcore that they do not hide the ankles to make you look longer or wear the pants almost at the floor, as they do fashion experts What Victoria Beckham and Eva Longoria.

Tenis normcore y skinny jeans

Black skinny jeans with normcore sneakers in the street style.

Mathis Wienand/Getty Images



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