The last city council voted for €10,560 in grants to associations.
Municipal associations
Judo club, €1,500; secular friendly, €920; festival committee, €1,000; hunting society, €450; CCAS, €1,000; section of former Algerians and veterans, €380; rural seniors’ club, €305; BTG safeguarding the heritage of old mechanics, €305; the Baladins, €305; Celtic circle of Rostrenen €305, plus €305 (request for an exceptional grant for the 75th anniversary of the club).
Extra-municipal associations
French Red Cross Rostrenen, €200; La Plélauffienne fishing company, €50; Rostrenen Horse Racing Society, €100; Glomel pony club €15; CC Blavet, €45; departmental association for Civil Protection, €22.30.
Peasant solidarity, €50; Cinebreiz, €200; Catholic relief, €50; CFA Plerin, €50; Loudéac Rural Family House, €40; Chamber of Trades 22, €150; Anacr €22.50; Carhaix Poher gymnastics, €60; parents’ association IME Kerampuil Carhaix, €80; information center on women’s and family rights €22.50, Kreiz-Breizh Elites, €100; Bad club Rostrenen, €165; Restos from the heart, €100; RKB, € 100; Redadeg, € 100; FC du Kreiz-Breizh, € 1,500; Union sportive plouguiste, Futsal, 500 €.