Pujols. Seniors indulge in sport and the culture of neurons!

Pujols.  Seniors indulge in sport and the culture of neurons!

the essential
Pujols Sport Seniors Santé, affiliated to the French Federation of Sports Retirement and chaired by J. Jacques Brun, is rich, despite the Covid, with 192 members divided into multiple cultural, sporting and convivial relaxation activities which little by little find their previous activity level.

Four gymnastics lessons supervised by a professional; 4 hiking outings for all levels; 3 IT courses; 2 genealogy courses; 1 English conversation session; 2 patchwork sessions; 1 session of board games; 2 table tennis sessions; 2 archery sessions; 3 badminton sessions; 1 gym for seniors, that’s it for the weekly program.

Added to this are annual events and excursions around members’ favorite activities, which they can develop for a single membership. And also, day or multi-day hiking outings in the countryside or in the mountains, such as a hiking for all levels in Gramat / Rocamadour from April 11 to 13. Not to mention cultural themed trips. Other more specific activities are offered, such as that of March 8, during which we had the pleasure of inaugurating our kitchen area in the Salle des Noisetiers with a sangria with our members to replace the December mulled wine canceled due to Covid. The event took place outside in the shelter of our brand new P3S tents.

Members can participate in one or more activities according to their choice. Sports activities are supervised by federal facilitators trained by the French Federation of Sports Retirement. Every day, except weekends, are therefore occupied by these activities which represent 40 hours per week for a membership at 68 euros, license included. A medical certificate is required to participate.

“Far from us the spirit of competition, but the pleasure of exchange, the taste for effort, for physical commitment – JJ Brun is used to saying -. We also cultivate our neurons by familiarizing ourselves with the digital world, by conversing in English or even in the art of patchwork.Our club will celebrate its 10th anniversary at the Château d’Anthé, on May 19th.



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