The well-known former player Fernando Romay has sponsored the delivery of this recognition by the Andalusian Federation

(Photo: @AytoPuntaUmbria)

The Hotel Barceló Punta Umbria Mar has been this morning the scene of the presentation of the project ‘Punta Umbría, city of Basketball 2022’, sponsored by the well-known former player Fernando Romay. An act presented by the journalist from Canal Sur Radio Elena García Morales.

The Andalusian Basketball Federation, FAB, has granted the coastal municipality the witness with the presence of the president of the FAB, Antonio Torres; the vice-president of the Diputación de Huelva, Juan Antonio García; the regional delegate for Education and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía, Estela Villalba; the mayor of Punta Umbría, Aurora Águedo Borrero, and the sports councilor of the Coastal City Council, Alejandro Rodríguez.

The mayor has pointed out that this appointment “It is very important for us and it helps us make official and recognize what we already are: a city that is committed to basketball in all its aspects”. In addition to hotel facilities, “Punta Umbría has the best human resources working for the championships, good sports infrastructure, a great climate and environment, great cuisine, welcoming people and an excellent body of volunteers.”

Antonio Torres thanked “the involvement of the administrations, in particular the Punta Umbría City Council, in this type of event”. In addition, he has highlighted the sporting trajectory that the municipality registers.

Immediately afterwards, Juan Antonio García wished to congratulate the Consistory for this “Recognition granted by the Federation, for the good work and good work that Punta Umbría has”. Thus, he has pointed out the importance of “Deseasonalize tourism and give them the opportunity to come and see our destination.”

For her part, Estela Villalba was very proud of the designation of Punta Umbría as City of Basketball. “An act of justice because it has known how to link its brand not only to the sun and the beach, but to all the values ​​of sport.”

Source: Municipality of Punta Umbria



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