Sport, Emilia-Romagna finances 73 projects: here are what they are

From basketball to judo, passing through cycling, athletics, fencing, volleyball and other disciplines. More sport for everyonebecause motor activity, even basic, is a fundamental tool for physical and psychological well-being, education and social inclusion, meeting and sharing for all ages.

I’m 73 projects for the promotion of physical activity and sports (click here to view them) financed with 1 million euros from the Region. Ranking approved by the Regional Council led by Stefano Bonaccinias part of the activities related to sport policies coordinated by the Head of the Political Secretariat of the Presidency, Giammaria Manghi,

Biennial projects resulting in particular from the initiative of local authorities, associations and sports clubs and that the Region supports with contributions equal to 50% of the eligible expenditure.

“We continue our commitment to support sport, alongside public bodies, as well as the many sports associations operating in Emilia-Romagna, thanks to the passion of many volunteers. Sport is health and psychophysical well-being, it is passion and competition. But it is also an extraordinary opportunity for social inclusion and for the youngest a training ground for life, thanks to which they can learn the values ​​of respect for the adversary and sacrifice – underlines the president Bonaccini -. A commitment on the part of the Region that has not failed in these two years, during which we have tried to concretely help a sector that has been among the most affected by the pandemic. Now that we can look to the future with more confidence, sport can be a precious opportunity to restart, as well as for the development and promotion of the territory “.


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