At the palabadminton in Milan the Serie C team championship for the conquest of the higher category
The president Giorgio Rusconi and all the athletes of the club congratulate the boys and coach Alessandro Redaelli
LECCO – In the afternoon of Sunday 6 March the “C” series team championship took place at the palabadminton in Milan for the conquest of the superior category “B”. The Badminton & Croquet Club Lecco he showed up with Frangel Esmerlin Ortiz Cabrera, Paolo Milani, Federico Lazzarini, Princess Amanda Fay Bandiola, Federica Messina, Liam Pellizzari (Lario BC – Dervio loan) e Alessia Barb (loan Pol.2B – Brivio). The challenging teams both from Milan were the 15Zero e Junior BC.
Five matches are played at each match, men’s and women’s doubles, men’s and women’s singles and mixed doubles. The matches are best of three sets with a score of 21. The first match against 15Zero ended in favor of B&CC Lecco with a score of 4-1, losing only the match of SM.
Second match against Junior BC Milan, a formidable team. You get to the final match at 2-2 and to win first place you need to win. Mixed doubles first set 21-16, second at heart-pounding 24-22. You go up in Serie B. The president Giorgio Rusconi and all the athletes of the company congratulate the boys and coaches Alessandro Redaelli for having achieved this important goal.