The first San Francisco Basketball Festival kicks off

Gustavo Fernandez, mayor of San Francisco, delivered this Saturday from 10 to First Basketball Festival of the municipality that will take place until May.

The purpose of this action is to encourage and support sports among young San Franciscans, to strengthen the six basketball schools in the municipality.

Fernández pointed out that “we want this hotbed of athletes to become a basketball power, and hand in hand with Manuel Rosales, let’s go to get Zulia to be in the first place in sports matters”.

Young people will participate in this festival in five categories, a total of about 200 children who will be there until the month of May when the Franciela Núñez Cup.

“When you don’t do sports, you fall into leisure and the boys can get us off track, that’s why we support these activities far beyond what it means to compete and win, San Francisco has had sporting glories and will continue to do so because we have more future what happened”, added the burgomaster.

Young people will participate in this festival in five categories, a total of about 200 children who will be competing until May when the Franciela Núñez de Fernández Cup is awarded.

Joshua Moran, municipal sports coordinator of the secretary of state, explained that “the idea is to bring training and encourage the children of the municipality in this discipline, with a view to creating the Basketball Academy, so that they are served not only at a sports level but also take advantage of the benefits from the Mayor’s Office, such as medical attention and that from the Government of Zulia, the support of JEL scholarships for young people who go to universities is achieved”.


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