The tennis club saint-paulais works wonderfully

Between adult tournaments and young hopefuls, the club is doing well. The ladies’ and men’s interclubs started in January with two ladies’ teams and three men’s teams. Divisions 2 and 3 men managed to stay in their division for next season. The men’s promotion and the ladies’ division 1 and 2 started the championship.

According to Lionel Delonca, president of the TC, “the tennis school works wonderfully with our state-certified instructor David Le Goff, Wednesday afternoons from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. with more than 50 children and adults, under his responsibility”. It is with pride and encouragement that the president puts the focus on a young member of the club, Tom Lallemant-Schiavon, aged 7, departmental hope in his category: “Tom has already won in various tournaments in the department. Good luck to our little guy.”

The club’s FFT-approved tournament will take place from Saturday April 2 to Sunday April 17. Many players from the department and beyond are expected every evening on the courts of Saint-Paul.

Admission is free. Info. on 06 72 67 87 57 or on the club website


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