The trial of Santi Mina and David Goldar for alleged rape begins

This Monday began in the Provincial Court of Almeria on judges against footballers Santi Mina and David Goldar, accused one as the alleged perpetrator and another as a necessary cooperator of the alleged sexual assault to a woman in June 2017 while they were both on holiday in the coastal town of Mojácar.

At the beginning of the trial, the private prosecution reiterated the request it had already made in its writ of provisional qualification for the three sessions to take place. behind closed doors without public or media, and it has finally been agreed that this is the case.

Lawyer Iván Bolaño has alleged that the facts at trial affect the “strictest privacy” of the victim, «Especially vulnerable given the great psychological affect who still suffers today.

“We understand that being the accused public figures the trial is an appealing fact for the press, but holding it in a public hearing would be clearly detrimental to the victim, “said the lawyer in front of the courtroom chaired by Magistrate Társila Martínez.

The court has agreed to declare the door closed for the first session, although the sessions scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday will be in public hearing.

Trial in three sessions

Santi Mina and David Goldar have arrived at the headquarters of theProvincial Court of Almeria after 9.30 am, half an hour before the start scheduled for the oral hearing. They appeared in the same vehicle and got off with their lawyers.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office also requested that the victim be accompanied in court by the Andalusian Victim Assistance Service (SAVA), and that his appearance could be held by videoconference “if requested” or by “some other system” capable of “avoiding physical confrontation” with the defendants.

The second session will take place on March 30 and they are scheduled to testify as witnesses five agents of the Civil Guard i three private detectives. Three more people will also testify as experts on this day.

At the third session, scheduled for March 31, they will testify seven more people as experts. The parties will then present their final reports and the trial will remain seen for sentencing.

The prosecution is asking for eight years in prison

Football player Saints Mina faces a request from the Public Prosecutor’s Office eight years in prison as the alleged perpetrator of a sexual assault offense under Articles 178 and 179 of the Penal Code. To David Goldar he requested a waiver, not the private prosecution, and summoned him to trial as a witness.

Apart from the prison sentence, the fiscal requests that a measure be imposed probation for a period of 10 years and is prohibited from approaching at a distance of less than 500 metres to the victim or communicate with her for the same period of time.

For its part, the particular accusation requests for the two defendants sentences of nine years and six months in prison; Mina points to him as the alleged lead author while Goldar accuses him of “Necessary cooperator”.

He remarks on the requested sentence of “violence” and “intimidation” of the requested prison sentence, given the location in which the alleged assault, belonging and physical superiority of both took place.

The story of the events

The letter of provisional qualification from the Public Ministry, to which Europa Press has had access, states that Mina, who is currently a member of the Real Club Celta de Vigo, accessed the morning of June 16, 2017 to a caravan parked in the vicinity of a well-known nightclub Mojacar and inside which were “his friend”, also the Galician footballer David Goldar, and the woman.

The prosecution claims he entered “Completely naked” and that, “with a libidinous spirit to satisfy his sexual appetite and in spite of the manifest will of the victim,” he would have addressed her, saying: “Look, girl, I really like you and I think we should do something.”

When the woman replied that she had left the caravan “with David”, the letter states that the defendant had left “for a minute” to re-enter and, after telling her that he had liked it. very much, ”allegedly perpetrated the rape.

In addition to physical injuries “As a result” of the attack that the Public Ministry imposes only on Mina, the victim suffers anxious symptomatology “Serious” related to the facts, and requests that he be compensated with 50.000 euros.

He notes that the aftermath he has suffered has meant that “his daily life is greatly affected” as he suffers “chronic post-traumatic stress disorder directly related to the sexual assault that will be prosecuted.


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