San Francisco (AP) – With his season best of 38 points, Klay Thompson led the Golden State Warriors to a home win against defending champions Milwaukee Bucks.
Thompson returned to the NBA just a few weeks ago after a two-year injury break. Now he’s helping end the Bucks’ six-game win streak. At 122:109, Thompson was by far the most successful Warriors professional – also because Steph Curry only had seven throw attempts and stayed at eight points. Giannis Antetokounmpo had 31 points for the Bucks.
The Bucks’ deficit to the Miami Heat at the top of the Eastern Conference remained unchanged despite the loss because the Florida team also lost. There was a 104:113 against the Minnesota Timberwolves, who were fighting for the playoff spots. The Chicago Bulls made up some ground with a 101-91 win against the Cleveland Cavaliers.
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