What is Putin looking for in Ukraine? Very simple: loot the country

What is Putin looking for in Ukraine?  Very simple: loot the country

Ukraine is not alone, but the Nicaraguans, the Venezuelans, the Salvadorans, the Burmese, the subjects of African dictatorships, the people of Hong Kong, the North Koreans are alone in the sense that “no one for them”

The Ukrainians lamented at the beginning of the Russian aggression that “they were alone” in the unequal fight against the poisoner, but after President Zelensky’s dramatic claim almost immediately more and more nations sent them supplies, weapons, ammunition to repel the attack , which has already wreaked terrible havoc on Russian vehicles, tanks, and aviation.

The worldwide repudiation of the invasion is almost unanimous, which puts in a special light the abstention of the Salvadoran regime in condemning the OAS, “the voice that has been lacking” in the concert of democracies, as pointed out by Joseph Borrell, Alto Representative of the European Union, in an article that he sent exclusively to EL DIARIO DE HOY.

However, the regime’s response seemed to be given by its deputies, who yesterday refused to speak out and pay a minute of silence for victims of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

It is obvious that the aspiring sultan for life on our soil shares with Putin the same contempt for human life and the persecution of all dissent, drowning out criticism, investigations into the management of public funds, the pranks with bitcoin, the rain of outbursts without sense that day by day they fall on Salvadorans…

It was to be expected that countries like Cuba, Nicaragua and the narco-dictatorship of Venezuela would refrain from condemning the invasion, but it is surprising that Brazil does not do so and that El Salvador is left with “the back in the air” due to the sepulchral silence of the regime, which makes here Just like Putin over there: persecuting opponents, insulting critics, threatening investigators and women journalists, all those who disagree with his “most serene majesty.”

Consistent with this position, a sinister individual in Washington threatened a Salvadoran journalist who was covering the march in favor of the Cyans. “We already know where you live,” she warned him, as here they say to journalists and critics of the regime.

The Ukrainians are not alone like the Cubans, Nicaraguans, Burmese…

The Ukrainians were not left alone by the international community: the world’s rejection of the invasion has been unanimous, including withdrawing Putin’s appointment from the World Judo Federation as honorary president.

At the time, Putin said that judo consists of taking advantage of the opponent’s weaknesses to defeat him, as he believed was going to be the case in Ukraine.

What is Putin looking for in Ukraine? As in his time Hitler with Czechoslovakia and Austria, perpetrating a looting of the nation so that the Germans, in the present case the Russians, could enjoy food and consumer goods, generate prosperity at the expense of the plundered peoples.

But the destruction of urban centers, of residential areas, of what sustains the population of Ukraine, which is fighting to preserve its independence, proves that we are dealing with a madman, a criminal who is a replica of previous monsters.

Ukrainians are not alone; The condemnation of the aggressor is almost unanimous, although the Salvadoran regime is not ashamed to refrain from condemning, which is equivalent to supporting the massacre taking place in Ukraine, an aggression without precedent since the end of World War II.

Ukraine is not alone, but the Nicaraguans, the Venezuelans, the Salvadorans, the Burmese, the subjects of the African dictatorships, the people of Hong Kong, the North Koreans are alone in the sense that “no one for them”, as ironically the meat Russian cannon, the conscripts they sent to die without telling them in advance what they were going for, which has caused thousands of those soldiers to surrender without fighting.

Afghans are left to their own devices, at the mercy of murderers driven mad by a superstition dating back fifteen hundred years, like the Iranians who groan under a rule of ayatollahs who believe they follow the directives of God Himself.


Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Opinion



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