With a round table in the Library, the Basketball Conference begins

The Public Library ‘Adolfo Suarez’ hosted this Friday the start of the Basketball and Women’s Days organized by the Ceuta Basketball Federation. The activity began with a round table with the participation of athletes from our city such as the councilor Lorena Miranda, Susana Román, Alicia Sánchez, Sucaina Ahmed and Ana Junyer.

The moderator of the round table, Alejandra Ferreras, has anticipated everything that is going to be held during the weekend, including local league matches and Gaditana League matches. This Saturday up to 85 basketball games will be held five against five and 3×3, while on Sunday there will be matches of the Gaditana League of the Ceuta female cadet team, in the municipal pavilion ‘Antonio Campoamor’.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Lorena Miranda, also wanted to talk about these days dedicated to basketball and women’s sports in general, ensuring that they are important to highlight the value of women. “It is good to always highlight the value of women and in this case the scope is very broad with players, referees and coaches, and it is always good that athletes are there, that their image is reflected and the value of women is highlighted” .

Lorena Miranda believes that there is less and less discrimination against women in sports. “There is less and less and sport is more and more even between women and men, and it is something that we are trying with the female achievements that are being achieved at European, World and Olympic level”.

For her part, Susana Román also wanted to talk about the conference, highlighting that they are interesting and long-awaited. “Awaited because I want to break a spear for the Basketball Federation that has been a leader in many things and especially in the area of ​​training and fighting for women. They are long-awaited days because as far as I can remember nothing similar has been done in Ceuta and I think it is an absolute success because it is still very necessary to motivate the new generations a lot”.

Lastly, the former basketball player, Ana Junyer, stressed the importance of these women’s basketball sessions so that young people can find an outlet in sport.

Junyer wanted to talk about discrimination against women, although he considers that currently there is not so much: “I think things have changed a lot for years. I think it is progressing and I would not like to have a victimizing tone because I think it is not good , what we have to do is improve knowing that there are differences, of course there are things that can be improved. In many sports we have reference players and that is very important to be able to give these girls someone to look like. The references used to be only male and now there are female ones, so this is the path that has been traveled”.

During the round table, the international canoeist Isa Contreras, and the mackerel basketball player Norimam Mohamed, belonging to CD Talent de Cantabria, also participated by videoconference.


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