About forty teenagers from the Landerneau-Daoulas region have tried several sports in Loperhet – Loperhet

The structures intended for adolescents, on the territory of the Urban Community of the Landerneau-Daoulas region, play a collective role. As in every school holiday period for four years now, the Espace jeunes de Loperhet, the Maison pour tous de Landerneau and the Log’Ado association of Logonna-Daoulas met on Wednesday April 20 for a great Olympics day. They were about forty teenagers present at the Coadic sports hall, in Loperhet. The youngsters took part in laser biathlon, sock fights, king ball, archery, Quebec lacrosse, and they did a team orienteering race in the woods. The day was placed under the responsibility of Laure Trébaul, childhood-youth coordinator in the basin of the country of Daoulas.


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