Ánderson Gutiérrez spoke about his feelings after debuting with Junior

The attacker, who hails from Baranoa, did not score a goal, but it is as if he had because, thanks to a very good pass from him, Miguel Ángel Borja scored the first goal in the 2-1 victory against the ‘Cardinals’.

“It was something I didn’t believe. I looked at the technician and he told me: ‘run, enjoy it, it’s also yours’. When I ran to where Miguel was, he turned around and told me: ‘big, daddy, big’. He gave me a hug and gave me confidence, like all the colleagues who congratulated me. I am happy for everything that has been done,” said Gutiérrez.

“It was not planned to play 45 minutes, he did give me some tasks with Miguel. He told us that we had to neutralize their game, which was Carlos Sánchez, because it was his balance to go out playing, that we make him feel uncomfortable so that the rival team does not feel confident on the field of play, ”he added.

Ánderson, who has been in the team’s minor divisions since 2020, assured that all the players on the squad spoke to him before the game, however, Borja was the one who helped him overcome that emotion he had on the field.

“Miguel helped me a lot and even more so when I was in those moments when I got distracted and got carried away with emotion. He always told me to breathe, that I was doing well, that was around minute 3 or 4, and at minute 6 with 40 seconds, I received the ball, I controlled, Esparragoza told me to calm down, that I was alone, and I turned. Miguel made the move and I threw the pass at him. Before he kicked I knew it was going to be a goal because he is a goalscorer. When I saw that ball go in, I was speechless and I only knew how to look at the coach”, said the young man.

“Everyone congratulated me. From the head that is the teacher Juan Cruz Real to the security guards. Everyone spoke to me, Viera, Hinestroza, Fuentes, Giraldo, Albornoz, the entire squad, everyone gave me their trust. Didier Moreno spoke to me a lot before the match. I was very excited at the beginning, I lost my mind and lost concentration, but Miguel told me: ‘calm down, breathe, move here’ and that made me relax more, “he added.

The emotion he had for the concentration was also shared by his colleagues at the hotel, who made him comply with the traditional ‘hazing’, in which they cut his hair and the other two youths mentioned, Esteban Mercado and Humberto González .

“The idea came specifically from Wálmer Pacheco, he was the one who organized everything, bought the machine and looked for people. At the pregame dinner he made us dance, sing and stuff. All this was nice because it fills the group with joy, with enthusiasm. We are happy and I know that my teammates are also happy for what we live for, ”said the winger, who can play as a striker.

“At first they wanted us to go out and play like that with the cut they made for us, but the teacher told us not to play like that, that we spend the whole zero better. But they hid the machine from us for a while, that was one more laugh. Then they lent us the machine and between the three of us we finished removing the cut. I wear this with pride, because it is a privilege that we have”, he added.


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