Aulas, Bana, Siutat, Moretton… French sports leaders call to vote for Macron

Two folded election leaflets by Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, in Marseille on April 6 – Nicolas TUCAT © 2019 AFP


Mardi, around fifty tricolor sportsmen had called on the French to vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron (LREM)in order to block Marine Le Pen (RN). A little over a week before the second round of the presidential election in France, scheduled for Sunday 24, the institutions in turn mobilized Thursday evening in a forum at The Teamencouraging support for the outgoing president against the far-right candidate.

From Jean-Michel Aulas, president of Olympique Lyonnais, to Michaël Aloïsio, chief of staff of Tony Estanguet, boss of Paris 2024, via Gilles Moretton, president of the Tennis Federation, two hundred and twenty leaders of federations, clubs pros or amateurs or even institutions have committed to a text co-written by the trio of presidents of the hand (Philippe Bana), basketball (Jean-Pierre Siutat) and judo (Stéphane Nomis) federations.

“For Marine Le Pen, the Black, White, Beur myth has fizzled out”

“His rare statements on sport are indicative of a nationalist and stigmatizing vision contrary to the values ​​on which our sporting commitment is based. In the Rassemblement National project, the measures for sport focus only on clubs ‘which have become real pharmacies recruitment for both religious extremism and delinquency’ (…) For Marine Le Pen, the Black, White, Beur myth stemming from the victory of the France team in 1998 has fizzled out”, is- he stated in the rostrum.

At two years of Olympic Games of Paris 2024, the signatories also mention the deadline. Judging in particular unthinkable to see the far-right candidate officially open the next Games, a task that falls to the head of state of the organizing country every four years. “We don’t want the far right to open the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games,” assures Philippe Bana. “It is the citizen that I am who speaks, who grew up in the values ​​of inclusion and whom I wish to see continue to be embodied on April 25”, abounds Marie-Amélie Le Fur, triple Paralympic champion and president of the Paralympic Committee. French. Aulas finally assures that he is “not there to give lessons to anyone, or to make people feel guilty [ses] fellow citizens”, but that he made “this choice for sport, for equality, fraternity for the unity of the country”.

The petitioners: Jean-Philippe Acensi, Michael Aloisio, Jean-Michel Aulas, Claude Atcher, Philippe Bana, Béatrice Barbusse, Marie Barsacq, James Blateau, Thierry Braillard, Virgile Caillet, Michel Callot, Dominique Carlac’h, Betty Charlier, David Douillet, Martine Duclos , Jacques-Henri Eyraud, Loïc Fery, Valérie Fourneyron, Brigitte Henriques, Céline Jobert, Frédérique Jossinet, Nicolas Julia, Marie-Amélie Le Fur, Olivier Letang, Véronique Moreira, Stéphane Nomis, Marie-Sophie Obama, Philippe Oddou, Ludovic Roye, Didier Seminet, Jean-Pierre Siutat, Eric Tanguy, Robins Ttchale-Watchou, Magali Tezenas du Montcel, Anne Tournier-Lasserve, Patrick Vajda, Jean Zoungrana, Claire Allard, Frédéric Alliot, Nadir Allouache, Bernard Amsallem, Colette Andrusyszyn, Thibault Aoustin, Antoine Aubour, Christian Babonneau, Yanis Bacha, Véronique Barre, Pierre Barthelem, Aïmane Bassiouni, Marc Batard, Vincent Batigne, Patrick Bayeux, Jean-Marie Bellicini, Sébastien Bequart, Julien Berenger, Charles-Henri Bernardi, Kévin Bernardi, Sylvain Berthenod, Alain Bertholom, Didier Besseyre, Maël Besson, Gladys Bezier, Leslie Bigini, Philippe Biro, Antony Bloch, David Blough, Yves Boissière, Richard Bouigue, Frédéric Bouix, Emeline Bourre, Jérémy Botton, Patrick Braouezec, Alexandre Bregon, Jean-Christophe Breillat, Jacques Bungert, Axel Carree, Alain Carrière, Brice Chambard, Laurent Chambertin, Mathieu Charpentier, Vincent Chaudel, Margot Chave, Yacine Chikhi, Laurent Choukroun, Vincent Chupin, Laurent Ciubini, Isabelle Collette, Bernard Comment, Arnaud Courtier, Clément Darras, Armand de Rendinger, Audrey Delacroix, Frédéric Delannoy, Jean-Luc Denechaud, Séverine Desbouys, Brigitte Deydier, Rémi Dhalluin, Frédéric De Meglio, Louis Dieu, Edouard Donnelly, Jacques Donzel, Philippe Doucet, Lilia Douihech, Patrick Doussot, Fabrice Dubuisson, Gilles Dufeigneux, Françoise Dussere, Julie Eissen, Daniel Emelin, Claude Fauquet, Charlotte Feraille, Charles Ferreira, Michel Filliau, Arnaud Flanquart, Laurence Frère, I an-François Froustey, Arnaud Gandais, Bruno Gares, Pascal Gentil, Charlotte Gigard Fabre, Jean-Marc Gillet, André Giraud, Carole Gomez, Cédric Gosse, Jean Gracia, Alexis Gramblat, Pascal Grizot, Philippe Grunenbaum, Jean-Baptiste Guegan, Patrick Guillou, David Guillouf, Fabrice Halipre, Stéphane Hatot, Nathalie Henaff, Benoît Henry, Karim Herida, William Heude, Cyril Jacobsen, Emmanuelle Jaeger, Régis Juanico, Skander Karaa, Jean-Pierre Karaquillo, Hakim Khellaf, Roland Krzentowski, Lionel Lacaze, Romain Lachens, Bruno Lalande, Philippe Lamblin, Clotilde Larrose, David Lazarus, Sylvie Le Maux, André Leclecq, Jean Leclercq, Kévin Legrand, Yoann Lemaire, Anne-Marie Lemoine, Rémi Leonetti, Christophe Lepetit, Arnaud Leroux, Gatien Letartre, Aurélie Lienhart, Philippe Lot, Jean-Jacques Lozach, Aymeric Magne, Laure Martin, Jérôme Martin, Tony Martin, Laurent Martini, Alain Martres, Florence Masnada, Denis Masseglia, Cédric Messina, Thierry Messina, Gaëlle Millon, Olivier Monnat, Gilles More tton, Jean-Jacques Mulot, Grégory Murac, Michèle My, Michel Naniche, Guillaume Naslin, Dominique Nato, Jean-Michel Oprendek, Xavier Parenteau, Valérie Pasquier, Johann Pellicot, Frédéric Pereira, Bertrand Perrin, Jean-Claude Perrin, Clément Picard, Julien Pierre, Marie-Françoise Potereau, Pierre Rabadan, Claire Rabes, Patrick Ranvier, Thomas Remoleur, Philippe Renaud, Stéphane Renaud, Antoine Richard, Souad Rochdi, Florence Rodes, Vincent Roger, Mickael Romezy, Sébastien Rouault, Jean-Emile Rouaux, Yann Roubert, Bénédicte Rouby, Paul-Emile Saab, Hassane Sadok, Lahcen Salhi, Charles Salmon, Maxime Sauvage, Gilles Segionale, Arnaud Simon, Serge Simon, Romain Sombret, Bruno Storai, Bouabdellah Tahri, Alain Talarmin, Thierry Teboul, Cédric Terret, Alain Toledano, Alain Valentin, Jean-François Vilotte, Jean Vintzel, Patrick Wolff, Claude-Hélène Yvard-Guermonprez, Soria Zidelkhile, Nathalie Zimmerman.

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