Bundesliga: Eintracht Frankfurt only 0-0 against Fürth, Greuther defender Meyerhöfer is seriously injured – Bundesliga

Eintracht strives towards cracker games against FC Barcelona! And Fürth defender Meyerhöfer has to leave the pitch with a terrible injury!

Six games in 21 days, that’s Frankfurt’s tight program in April. The start went wrong – 0-0 against Fürth, who only got their second away point this season.

Foto: Getty Images

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The seriously injured Meyerhöfer is carried off the fieldFoto: Getty Images

Most of the alarm came from the approximately 50,000 fans. For the first time since Corona, the stadium was almost full again. The Ultras reported back with posters (“Those who have been declared dead live longer”), bengalos and firecrackers – and tirelessly cheered on their team.

But it was really, really difficult against the compact Fürth five-chain. Especially before the break there was little speed, hardly any wit, no ideas. Little came from the outside Kostic (left) and Knauff (right).

Only Lindstrøm provided a bit of momentum on the pitch. The Dane also had the two best chances before the break, but was denied by the strong Fürth goalkeeper Linde (42’/44′).

It didn’t get much better in the second half. Eintracht played far too complicated, kept getting stuck. Paciência missed the best chance (80th).

Böse Szene: Der rechte Fuß von Fürths Meyerhöfer ist übel verdrehtPhoto: Sky

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Bad scene: Fürth’s Meyerhöfer’s right foot is badly twistedPhoto: Sky

But it was really bad for Fürth defender Meyerhöfer, who twisted his leg brutally after a duel with Hauge and was carried off the field with the stretcher. That looked really bad!



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