Champions League: Valdano’s response to Xavi who has Real Madrid through the roof

Pthey asked Jorge Valdano in #LaCasaDelFútbol by Movistar Plus+ about Xavi’s statements assuring that Barça is the most complicated club in the world. His response has Real Madrid through the roof.

“Of course, Barcelona is not the most difficult club in the world. The most difficult in the world is the one that has the obligation to always win: and that is Real Madrid,” he said.

Madrid wins you a League and it’s not much. The Champions wins you and… let’s see next year

Jorge Valdano

“Madrid wins you a League and it’s not much. They win the Champions League and… let’s see next year. That’s how we are permanently. It’s like that. In any case, it seems to me to be a very intelligent speech for internal consumption, for Barcelona fans. It seems very successful. It will surely generate controversy, there will be people on the other side who will think like me, “Valdano sentenced.

Xavi’s words at a press conference

Valdano’s response has its origin in Xavi’s press conference, prior to the match against Eintracht. There, the Barcelona coach made a statement in the style of his team: “This is Barça. We have an obligation to win and play well. 1-0 is not worth it. We have to play well and win. This is Barça and we have to to be excellent in everything. That’s why it’s the most difficult club in the world. There’s no comparison. There’s no club in the world like that. Winning by playing well. That’s what’s difficult”.

Xavi and the idiosyncrasy of Barcelona and Madrid: “The history of Barça demands us, not Madrid”

He also left a message when asked if he was envious of Real Madrid after his move to the Champions League semi-finals: “The history of Barça demands of us, not Madrid. Our history for 40 years, that Johan came, set a bar : win by playing well. If not, we’re not happy. That’s how we Catalans are. I don’t know how it will be in Madrid. I haven’t lived there and I don’t know its idiosyncrasies”.


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