Cioffi: “Florence, what emotions. In the end I wanted to say hello to Italian but … “

Here is a part of Gabriele Cioffi’s interview released to Corriere dello Sport

Gabriele Ciofficoach ofUdinese and Florentine doc, gave a very interesting interview to Corriere dello Sporttouching on many themes, such as the victory of his team at the Franchi and the relationship with Florence.

“In Florence, we and them both played well. Fiorentina could score but instead Udinese scored. We were freer with our heads, more ready. Football is simple.”begins this way Cioffi talking about the match won 4-0 by theUdinese against purple. The Tuscan coach repeatedly stressed the difficulty of the match against the boys of Italian, team fighting for Europe. According to Cioffi, Udinese won by staging their game idea against a coach they value highly: “I have great admiration for what Italiano and his staff are building at Fiorentina”. Then, a background on the failure to greet at the end of the match, because while at the beginning there was a handshake between the two, at the end of the match no. Here is the reason: “In the end I was going to say hello, but I saw that he had gathered the players around him and was talking to them. I gave up. A matter of respect.” In short, Florence for Cioffi will forever remain his city and also in this interview he underlines the emotion of having won in front of all the family members.


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