Cundi will name gate 3 of El Molinón: “It is well deserved”

Cundi is already eternal. His name will be written forever in El Molinón. The Work Commission in charge of distinguishing the history of the rojiblanco club and that strives to recognize the great personalities of the rojiblanco club, will soon inaugurate Cundi’s door, number 3. The one with the number that he wore so many times with Sporting, the club from his life and with him he played more than 400 games (406) until 1990, since his debut with the first team, in 1975. “He is very excited; thank you very much to all”, confessed yesterday to LA NUEVA ESPAÑA the family of the seventh footballer with the most games in the history of Sporting. Cundi joins the Castro brothers (until now Jesús Castro, door 1, and Quini, with door 9, were recognized), becoming the third player to be distinguished with a door.

The intention of this working group is that after Cundi it is the turn of another historical name, Enzo Ferrero. Gate 11 will bear the name of the Argentine winger. “That my name is forever in El Molinón is a tremendous pride, and something very beautiful. I’m very happy. And also for Cundi. He totally deserves this tribute, he is a historical player”, remarks Ferrero. Once confirmed, Enzo will receive his tribute in a matter of months. First it will be the turn of Secundino Suárez Vázquez, Cundi for everyone.

“It is well deserved to have this recognition. As a player he was very important at a great time for Sporting. He was all honor, character, strength. He represented the values ​​of the club very well. He is a person very loved by all, very endearing. You only have to see how the fans love and respect him in the meetings with the supporters clubs as a representative of the Social Area”. The words, the praise, are from Joaquín Alonso, another legend, former teammate of Cundi, friend and head of institutional relations for Sporting. “We’ve known about it for about a month, but we’ve all handled it with a lot of secrecy,” says Rubén Suárez, brother of the Atletico legend.

Cundi’s entire family experienced a day of many emotions yesterday. “We are all delighted with the recognition that has been granted. And very grateful to everyone, ”confessed Marga, his wife. That special feeling also reached Valencia. Her son, Rubén Suárez, resides there. But the former Sporting soccer player who later triumphed at Levante, among others, confesses that his happiness is full of the pride he feels not only as an Atletico fan, but also the one he feels as a son.

Enzo Ferrero, at gate 11 of El Molinón. | Angel Gonzalez

“It is a very special day for us. My father’s name will be eternal, he will always be in El Molinón. I always told my father that he made it very difficult for me, that he was unbeatable. He fills us all with pride and we are very grateful to the club. But not only to Sporting as an entity, also because we have always felt the affection of the fans”, confesses Rubén. “We will travel from Valencia to be in the tribute. We all want to be with him, ”he remarks. “It was the right time to do it,” repeats Joaquín Alonso. “The family is very satisfied”, concludes Rubén Suárez.


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