Gabriel Pires de Carvalho signs pro at Standard de Liège

“It’s his gift, his surprise”explains the former coach of Futsal Team Charleroi. “He worked hard to get there. So he signed a two-year contract, plus a one-year option.”

In the family, the ball runs through veins. The father was one of the greatest players in the Belgian futsal elite. Arrived from his native Brazil, he evolved with the greatest, including Action 21. European participations, titles, cups, selections with the Belgian national team, Liliu knew everything, as a player, before start a coaching career. “My son sometimes reminds me of my exploits. But I no longer have the names of the teams in mind. I just admire his pride in me.”

Very young, “Gabi” had a ball in his feet. “At 5, he played for two seasons at Action 21, before joining Anderlecht. He also went to Mons, before four great seasons with Sporting de Charleroi. That’s when Standard knocked on his door. a good season, the officials decided to sign him.”

For this number 6, it is a first step. “The path is still very long. He knows it. There are many called and few chosen. The most important thing is that he completes his studies. He leads both at the same time. I am proud of him. C He’s a boy who has a good education. He knows that you have to work in life to succeed. That’s the main thing.”

In the family, football is sacred. “My brother – who is older than me – took me aside from an early age to teach me how to control the ball. He played for the pros in Cruzeiro. In turn, I had the chance to join the hopes of this prestigious club. But as I had a contract in D1 futsal, I made a choice. I also took the time to have fun with my son. It was not with the aim of make him a star. But I wanted to share that passion with him, while instilling a good foundation in him.”

The two men have a great bond. “When he plays, I keep quiet. He has a coach, whose job it is. I talk to him afterwards, at home. We analyze, we dissect his meeting. Everything is good, even the mistakes. They allow you to improve.”


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