Golf: Tiger Woods’ caddy still believes in the golfer’s chances

According to his caddy, Tiger Woods still has a bright future ahead of him on the fairways of golf clubs around the world.

Joe LaCava told the magazine Sports illustrated that Woods had impressed him over the weekend.

LaCava believes Woods is still capable of winning on the PGA Tour, adding that he was filled with admiration for the accomplishment the golfer achieved at the Masters in Augusta.

Woods, victim of a serious traffic accident on February 23, 2021, finished 47th after playing all 72 holes of this major tournament.

“I don’t think he’s putting in all that work to finish 20th,” LaCava said in an interview Tuesday with Read. I think he is capable. I think he’s going to have to be in the right situation, healthy and with more stamina. He works to get there. And when he does, I can see him winning again. »

LaCava, 59, whose caddy career spans 30 years, has known Woods since 2011. He added that he was pleasantly surprised at how hard the 15-major champion endured to get to Augusta National. In December, he was with Woods for the first time on a golf course since his accident which left him with serious injuries to the golfer’s right leg, particularly his ankle and foot.

“It’s probably his favorite tournament. He was never going to give up on her. Deep down, he needed to go through the Genesis (Invitational, as tournament host) and the Hall of Fame. That’s the feeling I got when we talked or texted. Genesis lasts eight to ten days during which it does not focus strictly on rehabilitation. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s a lot when you’re trying to get healthy and ready. »

“Honor is larger than life”

“I didn’t think golf was going to be the problem. I think he believed that based on what he did in December and what little he did at home, his golf would be pretty good.


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