Hitler salute from Russian kart racer has consequences

Sa controversial gesture at an awards ceremony has far-reaching consequences for young Russian kart driver Artem Severiukhin. The Ward Racing team announced that it would part ways with the 15-year-old. Severiukhin had performed the so-called Roman salute on the podium after a race in Portimao, Portugal, during the Italian anthem. This fascist gesture is also known in Germany as a Hitler salute.

Ward Racing condemned “Artem Severiukhin’s personal actions during the award ceremony,” the team wrote on social media on Monday evening, speaking of a “manifestation of unsportsmanlike conduct” and an “unacceptable violation of the ethical and moral code of sport.” Therefore, the contract with Severiukhin will be terminated.

World association Fia initiates investigation

The team took a clear stance against Russia’s war against Ukraine, the statement said. In addition, three Ukrainian families traveled with the team “because they no longer have a home to return to”.

The world association Fia had previously announced on Monday that it would launch an investigation into the minor’s “unacceptable behavior”. Videos on the Internet show Severiukhin raising his right arm on the podium, stretching out his hand and laughing at the award ceremony for the European Championship race at the Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve in Portugal on Sunday. In a video on Instagram on Monday evening, Severiukhin apologized for his behavior.

Severiukhin, who won the race in his category, was allowed to take part in Fia competitions because he competed under the Italian flag, despite his Russian nationality and the associated sanctions currently in force. During the action, the Italian national anthem played in the background, the Russian was at the top of the podium.


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