I say something to the two sessions | I suggest strengthening the construction of libraries and gymnasiums to make the city more exciting and livable-Peninsula.com

Al Jazeera reporter Zhang Changwei

On April 14, the first session of the 14th Qingdao CPPCC opened. With the progress of the Two Sessions, the “I Speak to the Two Sessions 2022 Qingdao Citizens’ Suggestions Collection” activity by the Peninsula All Media has received more active participation from the citizens. Reporter statistics found that issues related to infrastructure construction such as culture and sports have been mentioned many times, and suggestions and opinions related to medical insurance, urban development, property and other related issues are also hot issues that citizens are concerned about.

It is suggested to strengthen the construction of library gymnasium and increase the cultural and sports atmosphere of the city

Netizen Mr. Chen said that there are relatively few reading places and exercise places in Qingdao, and there is no good atmosphere. He has worked and lived in Shanghai, and feels that Shanghai has a stronger cultural and sports atmosphere than Qingdao, and Shanghai has relatively complete cultural and sports infrastructure. Taking Pudong Library as an example, there are more than 6,000 reading seats. When I go to the library on weekends, the reading seats are full of people and there are many books. And there are not only district-level libraries, but also libraries in each street, with a large collection of books, and books can flow between each street. After returning to Qingdao, he felt that Qingdao lacked such an atmosphere.

Mr. Chen told reporters that when he was in Shanghai, a colleague told him that he didn’t need to buy a book if he liked reading, and he didn’t need money to borrow it from the Pudong Library, or apply for a certificate. Mr. Chen went to the Pudong Library and showed his ID card. The staff said that he had good credit and did not even need to pay a deposit. Each person could borrow 15 books to take away. In addition to district-level libraries, there are also libraries in the streets, and street libraries are large and small. The reporter found out that the collection of books in the streets of Changning District is between 50,000 and 80,000.

In addition to the library, Mr. Chen also suggested Qingdao to increase the construction of sports facilities. When working in Shanghai, he said, there were several exercise venues within a kilometer of the company. At present, he lives in Laosifang, and it is difficult to find a sports venue for normal exercise. He can only go to the gym, but if he wants to play basketball and badminton, it is more difficult to find a suitable venue. He suggested that there should be enough sports venues in residential areas. The scale of city-level and district-level sports venues should be larger. It doesn’t matter if the street venues are smaller, but there should be corresponding venues.

Mr. Chen said that he has not researched the specific number and scale of Shanghai stadiums, but from his own life experience, it is very convenient and the fees are not high. Table tennis halls, badminton halls, etc. open to the public in Shanghai stadiums will be charged, but within a reasonable range, the price of table tennis halls is generally 70 yuan for 2 hours. In his opinion, there are not many venues in Qingdao that charge fees.

Mr. Chen said that after returning to Qingdao, due to the inconvenience of going to the city library, he basically bought books by himself for reading. Fitness relies on the activities organized by the unit’s trade union. Find a badminton hall and a basketball hall around the company, and go to it at most once or twice a week. He said that if there are good sports venues near the community, he will exercise for an hour or two every day. “Without venues, there is no atmosphere.”

He suggested that Qingdao should learn from Shanghai, build a main large-scale library in each district, and set up a branch library in each community to provide reading places and conditions for the common people. In terms of gymnasiums, the existing conditions will be gradually improved, and eventually residents of each community can find basic exercise places, such as playing table tennis, badminton or swimming, and can find corresponding places around their homes.

It is proposed to build a large-scale sports theme park after Fushan

Netizen “ez” lives in the back area of ​​Fushan. He said that every time he plays Frisbee, kite flying, skateboarding and other sports with his family, he has to go to Shinan District. He suggested building a large-scale sports theme park behind Fushan. He said that after Fushan, there are mainly residential areas. Residents are active in small community parks. Playing frisbees and flying kites can easily hang on the trees in the park. There is a lack of a large venue and large park like Huiquan Square.

The netizen “ez” said that although I have Fushan Park in the back film of Fushan, it is a bit far to go to Fushan for activities, and there is no large flat venue suitable for sports. He often skates on weekends. Most of the time he goes to the May Fourth Square, and sometimes he also plays in the open space of the community, but the noise is so loud that it will disturb the neighbors. The traffic is large, inconvenient, embarrassing, and easy to collide with people.

“My colleague’s children can’t find a suitable venue nearby to play football. They can’t play in places with a lot of people, and there is no flat and wide place nearby.” Netizen “ez” said that such a large-scale sports theme park is very needed after Fushan. .

It is recommended to dismantle the physical fence to reveal the green space in the hospital if possible

The netizen “Dahai” suggested that units or communities with the conditions remove the physical walls to reveal the green space in the hospital.

He told reporters that he has had this idea for many years. The brick-built solid walls in Qingdao are very common. Some walls are green belts and trees are planted. If conditions permit, the solid walls of units and buildings should be gradually changed to transparent. In this way, the green space in the wall is exposed, and the green area is visually increased. He said that it only takes a few years of work to gradually replace it.

“The Great Sea” said that the exterior walls of some units are solid brick walls, and they are built relatively high. Painted in various colors, they are not beautiful. The position against the wall inside the wall is easy to hide dirt and rubbish, and after changing it to a transparent wall, there is no way to store garbage, and it is cleaner.

“Demolition of the wall cannot be done overnight, and do not forcefully change the iron railings. It should be done gradually and slowly.” “Daihai” suggested that if conditions permit, if the fence needs to be rebuilt recently, do not build bricks and solid fences. It is recommended to refit the railings fence.

It is recommended to play the role of functional departments to increase the marriage rate and fertility rate

At present, due to various factors, the marriage rate in Qingdao has declined. Netizens “ordinary citizens” suggested that the role of functional departments should be brought into play to increase the marriage rate and fertility rate.

An “ordinary citizen” told reporters that she was 50 years old this year, and there was a 25- or 6-year-old girl in her family who was still single. “The old mother was a little anxious.” “Girls are not in a hurry, and boys are not in a hurry, just be parents.” She suggested that to increase the marriage rate and fertility rate, the first step is to solve the problem of marriage and love among young people of the right age. In her opinion, young people are busy with work nowadays. Most people are basically working in addition to sleeping. Working on mobile phones will also occupy their rest time. Work takes up too much time and there is no time to make friends.

“Ordinary citizens” said that she also has many people of marriageable age around her. She thinks that they have no heart or time to fall in love, have a small life circle, and have few suitable people. She said that children now communicate more on the Internet, and some of them also find partners online, but parents are somewhat uneasy about finding partners online. She suggested that the relevant departments of various districts and cities help to “connect the line”, and that the women’s federation, youth league committee, trade union and other departments can organize more exchanges and blind date activities for young people. The government department will come forward to organize, and will verify the age, education, work, etc. of the people participating in the blind date activities. Parents are more assured.

At the same time, “ordinary citizens” suggested that relevant departments such as the Women’s Federation, Youth League Committee, and labor security supervision should give full play to their functions and conduct more research. First, implement the “Labor Law”, protect the rights and interests of young people, and prohibit unpaid overtime in various names. Let young people have more free time; second, take the lead in organizing social activities for unmarried young people, and provide more channels for marriage and love; third, encourage marriage and childbirth, and introduce reward systems, such as increasing marriage leave, maternity leave, incentives for bonuses and prizes, etc. A multi-pronged approach to increase the marriage rate and fertility rate.

Excerpts from netizens’ messages

It is recommended to increase the “number plate” of the building in the community

The netizen “Enthusiasts” said that in the living quarters, because the landmark number of the building was too low and the trees grew taller, the number was covered up, which caused great inconvenience to outsiders in the community, especially the work of the courier brother . He suggested that the construction company must make it as high as possible when setting it up in the future, and if allowed, the high font should be larger. In addition, he also suggested that the relevant departments should be responsible for adjusting the original old buildings accordingly.

It is suggested to speed up the replanting of street trees in Qingdao

Netizen “Suggestion” said that the main and secondary roads in Qingdao City have the phenomenon of vacant tree cavities or tree cavities covered with street bricks to varying degrees. It is recommended that relevant departments investigate road by road and carry out replanting or rectification as soon as possible, so as to be green to the people.

Suggestions to improve the parking problem around the park

Netizen “Haiyan” said that Maidao Park is a place for Internet celebrities to check in, but there is no parking space, and Baihuayuan Park is not convenient for parking. The front line of Qianhai is Qingdao’s “facade”. Outsiders come to Qingdao to see the sea first. Qingdao should consider the convenience of parking for outsiders to better retain outsiders.

It is recommended to increase the heating standard in winter to 20 degrees

Netizen “Jiang Ruyi” said that the heating temperature standard of 18 degrees in Qingdao is a bit low in winter, and it is recommended to raise it to the standard of 20 degrees.

“I will say something to the two sessions” looking forward to your participation

If you also have something you want to say about Qingdao and good suggestions for the city’s development, you are also welcome to leave a message in the “I Say Something to the Two Sessions” column of the Peninsula News Client. Your “golden ideas” may go directly to the Two Sessions. High-quality suggestions will have The opportunity will be displayed on the mainstream media during the two sessions, and provide reference for the suggestions of relevant representatives of the two sessions and the CPPCC proposals.

Participation method: Citizens can use WeChat to scan the QR code at the end of the article, directly open the event page, enter the title and text, and leave contact information; they can also download the Peninsula News client, and open it and find the “I to the Two Sessions” on the headline channel on the homepage. “Speak a word” column, click to enter to leave a message. It should be noted that citizens must leave their contact information after leaving a message, so that the reporter can get in touch with you. Please rest assured that the contact information will not be announced to the public and will not be displayed on the platform.



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