MLB’s first female field coach is Alyssa Nakken.

Alyssa Nakken of the San Francisco Giants made baseball history as the first female coach on the field.

After the actual first base coach Antoan Richardson was not allowed to continue in the third inning against the San Diego Padres because of alleged instructions to the fielders, the 31-year-old made history on Tuesday evening as the first woman in a regular season game (local time). The Giants won with a final score of 13-2.

Oracle Park fans erupted in applause when she was named Richardson’s successor. Giants catcher Curt Casali gave her a tight hug and Padres first baseman Eric Hosmer greeted her with a handshake. “It felt amazing.” I’m thrilled that girls can now see that there are positions for them in baseball. “That’s really cool,” says the former pro softball player, who joined the firm as an associate in January 2020. Coach of the Giants, the first woman to hold a full-time coaching position in Major League Baseball.

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Oliver Barker

Was born in Bristol and grew up in Southampton. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and economics and a master’s degree in finance and economics from the University of Southampton. He is 34 and lives in Midanbury, Southampton.


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