NBA: Miles Bridges throws young woman with face mask

Updated on 04/14/2022 at 09:37

  • Basketball pro Miles Bridges was obviously frustrated after missing the playoffs in the NBA.
  • When the 24-year-old left the hall, he threw his face mask onto the stands with full force – and caught a young woman.

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The Charlotte Hornets missed the playoffs in the North American basketball professional league NBA – and their power forward Miles Bridges apparently burned through their nerves.

When leaving the field on Thursday night, the 24-year-old threw his face mask in the direction of the spectators in frustration and hit a young woman with it.

This can be seen in a video excerpt that the player shared on his Twitter account. “Someone should put me in contact with the young woman. That is not acceptable,” he wrote.

The Charlotte Hornets lost the decisive game to reach the playoffs in Atlanta with 103:132. (dpa/fte)

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