NBA rumors: The three most likely destinations for Westbrook

The first (and perhaps only) year of Russell Westbrook with Los Angeles Lakers It has been marked by constant irregularity and by the failure that it has meant for the Los Angeles franchise to even stay out of the ‘Play-In’ positions at the end of the regular season.

Although the player has finished the course more than correctly, there have been stretches throughout the season in which the performance offered by the MVP of the NBA of 2017 was the main focus of criticism from Lakers fans.

The discontent with Russell Westbrook continues to exist. In fact, the NBA Rumors point to an exit via transfer this summer, and there are already candidates to take over his services.

This has been pointed out by one of the most reliable sources of the Los Angeles Lakers, the journalist Jovan Buha. Apparently, there are three franchises that could be great business partners for the purple and gold team with the arrival of the 2022 Free Agency transfer market. Franchise chips are:

  • Houston Rockets
  • New York Knicks
  • Charlotte Hornets

Michael Jordan’s interest

Michael Jordan has always shown his devotion to the way Russell Westbrook plays. On multiple occasions, his Hornets have sounded like a team interested in incorporating the player. The Chicago Bulls and NBA legend believes that Westbrook’s contribution can take Charlotte to the next level in the Eastern Conference.


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