Nîmes: stabbed football coach, the accused facing the court

Salim Boudral was tried for murder in Vauvert in May 2019 against a backdrop of dissension in the world of the football club and tensions with his coach. The victim was the coach of the local team. The defense disputes premeditation.

This Monday, April 11, the trial of Salim Boudral resumed before the Assize Court of Gard to examine the assassination of the coach of the Vauvert football club perpetrated in May 2019. Aged 21 at the time of the events, he is accused of having stabbed Redouane Abbaoui when he and the coach were to meet around 10 p.m. The young man stabbed him seven times and kicked him in the head, then he got into a car to escape the residents who had just realized that the coach had been stabbed. The crowd threw rocks and chairs at him in an attempt to stop him.

Me Luc Abratkiewcz speaks for those close to the coach.

The young man managed to flee without having lowered his pants to show his buttocks to the people who were trying to stop him. He then surrendered to the gendarmes to turn himself in and answer for his actions about an hour after the events.

Régis Cayrol brings the accusation.

Régis Cayrol brings the accusation.

This Monday, he is in the assize box. Aged 24, slender, white shirt, black-framed glasses, the accused is defended by Me Isabelle Mimran who faces four civil party lawyers, My Pierry Fumanal, Cyril Malgras, Luc Abratkiewicz and Khadija Aoudia.

At the start of the hearing, a first witness describes the endearing personality of the victim and his sporting commitment to the club. He indicates that the accused had some difficulties related to his sporting rigor.

The defence, supported by Me Isabelle Mimran, contests the premeditation.

The defence, supported by Me Isabelle Mimran, contests the premeditation.

What is at stake in the trial lies in the premeditation of the murder, which is totally contested by the defense supported by Me Isabelle Mimran. Because the penalty incurred in case of conviction for murder is life imprisonment and 30 years for murder without premeditation.


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