Obi Toppin and Julius Randle want to play together

Tom Thibodeau has already announced it: he will try to play together Obi Toppin and Julius Randle. For two years, the first has been the All-Star interior lining, but the “sophomore” proved at the end of the season that he could be an attacking leader, and the Knicks coach will rack his brains and first line them up in practice. If it’s conclusive, maybe they will be lined up in the starting five.

Both parties are very much in favor of it.

« Obviously, Julius and I talk about it, and clearly, we have the feeling that in today’s basketball, it is very important. Just because a lot of teams are playing small ball, a lot of teams are playing fast, shooting 3-pointers, running and projecting on transition explains Obi Toppin. ” I have the feeling that with Julius and me on the pitch, we play much faster. He or I can be in the racket or open up after a screen. »

“We could clearly do damage in the NBA

This year, Julius Randle and Obi Toppin have played just 101 minutes together in 20 matches. The sample is ridiculous…

« There’s so much we can do when we’re on the pitch together continues Obi Toppin. ” Clearly, we’re talking about it, and we hope to be there next season so we can see it. I have a feeling we could definitely do some damage in the NBA if we lined up together. »

Tom Thibodeau has already said it, he is not necessarily against aligning them together and playing “small ball”. The problem for him is the defense… Neither Julius Randle nor Obi Toppin are good defenders, and for the Knicks coach, it means choosing to be dominated in size and in the protection of the circle.

Obi ToppinPercentageBounces


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