Osimo, the young Ukrainians who arrived in the city for Italian lessons

OSIMO – The great heart of the inhabitants of Valmusone manifests itself on important occasions, such as that of welcoming Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in the main cities, welcomed by friends and relatives mostly who had already moved to the area. Those people, mostly women and children, need everything. Most do not know the language. The Italian course for ten young Ukrainians arrived in Osimo following the dramatic war events that are upsetting their country. In fact, among the many needs expressed there is also that oflearning the Italian language, to foster relationships and school integration. Immediately the Rotary club Osimo has activated by making its headquarters available, equipped with technical and IT equipment and by procuring the necessary didactic material. The course has a duration of 40 hours spread over four weeks and will be held from Monday to Friday from 5 to 7 pm. At the end of the course, young students will receive a certificate.

The words of the president of Rotary

“The initiative, strongly desired by our Sarah Howell and enthusiastically welcomed by all the members – explains the president Sandro Bragoni – is part of the spirit of solidarity and hospitality of Rotary and also wants to make these young people, some alone, feel in a foreign land, others with terrible stories behind them, human warmth and closeness. At the end of the first lesson the boys came out really happy and smiling and greeted with many thumbs up. Really a great emotion. The thanks of the host families arrived soon after. A little big initiative full of solidarity, volunteering, inclusion, professionalism and more: not only, therefore, the Italian language, but warmth, affection, moments of lightheartedness to rediscover, at least for a moment, that family intimacy painfully interrupted by the war. A big thank you goes to the teachers, who with their enthusiastic availability, made the initiative possible and to Rizzoli Education for the donation of the teaching material. In addition to the teaching of the Italian language, Rotary has also gone to great lengths to provide medicines, food and clothingto assist refugees in issuing documents, to accompany them to vaccination centers (for those who have requested them), to create opportunities for meeting and recreation ».

Judo in Polverigi

There is also another good initiative carried out by Polisportiva Judo Polverigi precisely for young Ukrainians who are arriving on the run from a war-torn country. The company has decided to offer fleeing minors the opportunity to carry out thesport activity free of charge, with membership at the expense of the Federation itself. «Judo will not be a priority but through its values ​​it can certainly be a support for children and young people of all nationalities who must know the word friendship and not war – the coaches say -. We therefore ask that this initiative be fully disseminated. These courses could become a small contribution for them to start rediscovering lost normality and for our young athletes a valid experience of inclusion and life ».



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