They ended today, Sunday 3 April, the qualifications of the absolute Italian Olympic weightlifting championships: in the regional ranking, Campus Propatria Judo was ranked seventh out of 20 participating companies.
All this leads to the following technical consideration, explains the company: last week’s results were a gold for Luca Genna in the 55 kg senior category, a 7th place for Luca Bizzari in the 73 kg Senior category.
«Yesterday and today – we continue – we saw two athletes participate, different but with a common denominator, a noteworthy technical profile. The first a girl Carlotta Di Paolo, a hybrid athlete, a little crossfiter a little weightlifter, selected in a functional training class (formerly Crossfit), within the company in via Settembrini. In the context of Crosstraining, the Olympic weight lifting lifts are very approximate because they are placed at the service of the training itself, aimed at the well-being of practitioners, almost always to be counted among the so-called “Amateurs” ».
And it is also explained that Carlotta followed by the Pro Patria technical staff, thanks to supplementary training, was able to participate in a weightlifting competition of the Italian Pesisitica Federation (Fipe) in which the technical standards required are inevitably very high. Carlotta with her 5th place revived the female flag in Busto Arsizio in this sport.
On Sunday it was the turn of Francesco Burul, a very young athlete who competed in the under 15 category. The boy not only ranked first, but by virtue of the appreciable technique of execution in the Olympic lifts, the regional technical direction will call him shortly for a technical collegial retreat together with other young people of his age. The gathering aims to focus attention and supervise young people in a federal project of national caliber. The common denominator of these four athletes is the technical level, developed in a few months, the quality work, rewards.
The Pro Patria Judo Campus Olympic Weightlifting section brings the city back to being a reference serious, even in the province for what concerns this wonderful discipline.
Instead for judo here is the Genoa National Grand Prix Cadet and Junior Silver Trophy for Formentin Christian. The annual Colombo Trophy was held on Saturday 2 and 3 April at the 105 Stadium on the Lungomare Canepa. The Pro Patria Judo has brought its best cadets and Juniors, Noemi Pignatiello among the cadets at the limit of 70 kg. The girl competed on Saturday and with four stunning wins and two defeats she finished 5th.
Good points in the National Rankingcertainly a bit of regret for not having reached the coveted podium but remember that Noemi resumed training for eight weeks after six months off due to injury. On Sunday it was the Junior’s turn, Sagunti Christian is not good in the 90 kg that comes out in the first round. Christian Formentin in the + 100 kg category arrives on the podium, in second place, a wonderful silver that takes him high in the national ranking. Mara Federica’s 57 kg race was also excellent, four matches won and two lost put her in 5th place and above all they make her accrue other precious points for the achievement of the black belt.