Ramonville-Saint-Agne. Two exceptional days for USR Judo

Nine junior and senior judokas (girls & boys) were present at the Maison du Judo in Toulouse last weekend. These judokas all set themselves a goal at the start of the sports season…to succeed in their “graduation”. They spent every Monday learning, reviewing, and training with their partners, under Martine’s guidance.

They all passed their technical UV2, or their UV1 kata, or both on Saturday and to reach the rank they scored points (Waza-ari or Ippon) during Sunday competitions.

For the 1° DAN Louis validates his UV2 and completes his points in competition. Jean-Luc validates his UV2 and continues to score points, more than 22 points to reach the 1°DAN. Adèle validates her UV1 and scores 40 points (4 ippons) too bad for Adèle who comes very close to the direct validation of 1°dan (5 ippons out of 5 fights). Rémi validates his UV1 and scores 20 points. The season continues for Rémi who is selected for the French Cadets championship on May 21 in Ceyrat.

For 2nd DAN Flora valid UV1 & UV2. Adrien validates his UV1 and scores 30 points.

For the 3° DAN Maxime validates his UV1 and scores 40 points. Jonathan validates his UV1 and scores 20 points. They received the congratulations of the jury for their presentation of Katas.



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