Reactions to the death of Javier Imbroda, from the world of basketball to the Presidency of the Government

the figure of Javier Ibroda It has always been much loved in all the areas in which it has moved. Because of her position on the basketball courts, but also in politics, where she currently develops her profession. Her death has shocked both circles and the reactions to her death were immediate.

The world of the basket wanted to send a last goodbye to the national coach who marked the milestone of beating the United States in their own country and that he left behind 605 games as a coach ACBbeing the sixth coach with the most games directed in the history of the Spanish league.

Benchmates, players, teams and organizations said goodbye to Javier Imbroda as he deserved. The Spanish Basketball Federation He placed a black crepe on his Twitter profile picture, also faded to black and white due to the departure of the former national coach between 2001 and 2002. “Spanish basketball sadly bids farewell to an indispensable figure in our history. We will never forget you, dear Javier. Rest in Peace”published the FEB, which also announced that the final of the Copa de la Princesa and the rest of the matches on Sunday, April 3, will have a minute of silence in honor of the player from Melilla.

The former president of the FEB Jose Luis Saez published a tweet with an image of a note written by Imbroda in which you can read “José Luis values ​​defeat and distrusts success. There is a lot to do but it will be done”, while other illustrious basketball names also remembered the beloved coach. The Spanish Olympic Committeethe ACB and each and every one of the national clubs.

The Real Madrida team he coached between 2002 and 2003, remembered the coach with an official statement from the club. “Real Madrid wants to express its condolences and its love and affection to all its relatives and loved ones”reads the text.

Javier Imbroda, during his career as national coach.

Even the world of football paid a well-deserved tribute to Javier Imbroda, with several clubs echoing his death and the Real spanish soccer federation dedicating some nice words. “You gave the best of yourself to give all the splendor to Andalusian sport with your experience, passion and humility. We say goodbye to you with the pride of having shared with you a stage of growth and success. You leave a wonderful legacy for the sport. RIP, Javier Imbroda”.

Politics also wanted to join the goodbye to Javier Imbroda. The president of the Government, Pedro Sancheza great basketball fan, published “Great sadness upon learning of the death of Javier Imbroda, Education Counselor of the Junta de Andalucía and former national basketball coach, a history of our sport, fighter, dialogue and committed public servant. All my love to his family and friends.”

Other proper names of Spanish politics such as the president of the Junta de Andalucía Juanma Moreno They joined the farewell of the former selector. “A broken heart dawns on us this Sunday in April. Thank you, Javier Imbroda, for giving us the privilege of meeting you, of being your colleagues. Thank you for your dedication to Andalusia. You leave us your legacy and we have your memory, which we will always honor,” he posted on Twitter.

Albert Rivera He went beyond what was strictly professional and described Javier Imbroda as one of his best friends. “He has left a great man, a wise man of sports, of business, of education… of life. And One of my best friends, whom I admired and loved deeply, has also left.. But he will never die, we will always have his light and his wisdom. Rest in peace Xavier.”



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