Registration for Bellaria Summer Camp Lots of activities and a boom in questions – Sport

Registrations have been open for a few days and requests to participate in the Bellaria Summer Camp, the solar fields that will start on June 13, the first Monday after school closes, are already flooding. Basketball, football, rugby and volleyball are the disciplines that will be given greater emphasis but space will also be given to other activities from climbing to mountain biking, from archery to circus activity and so on.

About twenty trainers, trainers and coaches from Bellaria are ready to host boys and girls. The Summer Camp is open to children aged 6 to 12 but there will also be the Baby Summer Camp dedicated to boys and girls aged 3 to 5 with many motor but also recreational activities.

The Camp will be open from Monday to Friday from 7.45 to 16.30 with the canteen service and the possibility of choosing in the morning, in the afternoon or all day. In recent months, Bellaria has been able to renovate the structures, from the bar to the green spaces, with the hope that by the summer the new marquee will be ready to recover additional space for indoor activities. “The organizational structure is ready – says Francesco Gasperini, member of the board of directors of Bellaria – we expect to exceed 200 weekly attendances and to do so we have set up a complete and prepared group.

The facilities are also state of the art and we can’t wait to take advantage of them. We want to give a quality service and try to combine the Summer Camp, the Multisport in a single path and therefore give these children and young people the opportunity to continue with us in the next sporting season in the various disciplines that are practiced at Bellaria “.




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