The best memes of the 2022 NFL Draft

No one is safe from the memes of the NFL DraftNo matter what team they are or what their recent hit-miss has been, they’re all the butt of ridicule at this football event.

Obviously, there are some teams that take more than one meme because history tells us that to make decisions in the DraftThey are not so lucky.

Denver Broncos in the Draft

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Foto: Getty Images

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Foto: Getty Images

But in this 2022 Draft, the Lions, Jets and even the Jaguars are the ones with the main rolealthough the Raiders are also there competing for the award of the team with the most memes.

Without a doubt, it will be a fundamental Draft, because they are several teams that no longer want to have another season with a losing record and hope is one of these youngsters from college football.

The first pick The Jaguars will have the Draft, they will be the ones who have the opportunity to choose the best prospect of the college, who for this year is a defensive end named Aidan Hutchinson.

The best memes of the Draft 2022

But without further ado, here you can see the best memes of the Draft 2022 and some of them are from before the event starts, so prepare the laughs because they are very good.

As long as you are not a fan of any of the teams, although with a bit of humor you will even share some of these memes from the most exciting event in the low seasonbut let’s go with the images.

Photos: Special


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