The Dolphins Anzio adventure in Serie C baseball starts | Baseball Mania

New step forward by the Dolphins Anzio, the company of president Umberto Pineschi is among the teams included in group O of the national baseball championship, an important return that marks the return to senior activity for the Anzio company with protagonist again the Reatini field, stage for many Serie A matches.

The Neronian club was included in the Tuscan-Lazio group together with ASD Arezzo Baseball, Junior Grosseto, Estra Siena Brewers Rome, WiPlanet Montefiascone and Latina Baseball, is the freshman of the group, there are several teams that aspire to leap into SerieB, accustomed to playing in this championship and with important rosters despite the fact that the category can think of something else.

The baptism on the field for the Dolphins Anzio, took place last Sunday on the field of the Latina, not without emotion and also a lot of satisfaction, in taking this step, a defeat came with the score of 12 to 6, after a first inning closed in advantage for 3 to 0, certainly it is a first step where the sporting result comes in the background, given that the team is practically formed essentially by the boys of the Dolphins nursery. Next match away on May 1st against ASD Arezzo, one of the candidates for promotion, with the first home match scheduled for May 08 against Roma Brewers.

We have collected the statement from Camillo Martufi, manager of the Dolphins Anzio team I can say that they are in charge of a multi-year project for psychology-sporting development of a group of teenagers born and raised in the nursery Dolphins. Our participation in the national championship series C is nothing but first step for future achievements of far more relevance in the national scene of this young company. The team is totally formed by boys under 18 and under 15 with the valid collaboration of one of two elements a bit ‘more mature as guiding beacon players within the group. My valid collaborators and I (Caiazzo Stefano, Perogio Valerio and Bisicchia Francesco) share very specific tasks for the technical training of the fundamentals of this complex discipline with the awareness of obtaining excellent results not in the immediate present but within a three-year period. These are the guidelines of our work for other questions and curiosities are at your disposal whenever you want. “

Here is the roster of the Dolphins Anzio in this new adventure Marco Ricci – Matthew Marucci – Simone Leonardi – Antonio Caiazzo – Cristiano Bisicchia – Enzo Mariani – Matteo De Baggis – Giampaolo Mascioli – Stefano Mazzoni – Valerio Rescigno – Alessio Muzi – Luke Marrocchi – Valerio Ludovisi – Marco Iudicone – Valerio Festival – Andrea Di Serum – Giorgio Di Rosa – Alberto Iorio – Christian Matalone – Ermes Di Padova

Technical staff composed of the Manager Camillo Martufi and the coaches Stefano Caiazzo, Valerio Perogio, Francesco Bisicchia with the accompanying Manager: Roberto De Baggis

At this link you can follow the championship with calendar, results and standings

Photo Fulvio Vecchiarelli / Dolphins Anzio



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