“What should I write?” “Doesn’t last” What is the “contents” of a baseball notebook made by a specialty store | Full-Count

Original notebook sold by baseball specialty store “Baseman”

I think there are many youth baseball teams that have their own original “baseball notes”. Baseball specialty store “Baseman” has been selling original notebooks for about 15 years. We have devised writing items so that children can be motivated and feel their growth. I approached the contents of the notebook that some teams are purchasing the members in bulk.

In high school baseball, many teams use baseball notebooks to write down their practice content and tasks. Recently, it has become popular among elementary school students, but at the baseball equipment specialty store “Baseman,” they were among the first to make baseball notebooks.

Recording your daily practice will help you feel your growth and clarify the challenges you need to tackle. However, even if I understand its importance, I still have troubles such as “I don’t know what to write” and “I can’t continue”. There is no point in being forced and forced to write. Especially in the lower grades of elementary school.

Therefore, Baseman’s baseball notes are divided into items such as “contents of practice and games”, “good and bad points of today”, “evaluation and comments on greetings, throwing, batting, covering, etc.” It is easy to continue because the writing method is shown. There is also a field that can be filled in by instructors and parents, and it is fun to exchange baseball notes like an exchange diary.

In addition to daily records, there is also a page for writing team and individual goals, a page for itemizing what the leader has taught, and a page for explaining baseball terms and rules. There is also a space where you can put a picture of the player you are aiming for, and if you write notes while looking at the picture, you will be motivated.

As a gift from a graduated player to a junior


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