What the eye does not see: the Cartagena final was cooked in a luxurious resort in La Manga

Oviedo usually rewards closeness when it comes to organizing a trip. The team usually rests in a hotel next to the stadium on duty, that is the custom that is only rarely skipped. Yesterday was an example, since the blue expedition prepared the meeting at a resort in La Manga, half an hour by road from Cartagonova.

There, in La Manga, he trained the day before and received a visit from his former captain Toché. On game day, he had to change habits. Playing at 2:00 p.m. required it. After lunch in La Manga, the bus took the players to the pitch, which they reached at around 12:15 p.m.

A group of fifteen Oviedistas was there to welcome them and offer the first compliments of the day. The institutional representation of the club walked around the stadium before the event, chatting with the fans displaced there. Federico González was the highest representative, accompanied by Manolo Paredes, vice president; David Alonso, manager; and César Martín, head of institutional relations who celebrated his 45th birthday with an exciting triumph.

On the grass, few friends. An affectionate gesture between Ortuño and Mossa when they crossed paths at halftime and little else. There was a lot at stake. The Oviedo did its job and returned to Asturias at night, on a direct flight between Alicante, where it arrived by bus, and Ranón. In the luggage, three invaluable points in their aspirations.



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