100 years ATSV St. Valentin

The guests experienced a grandiose 100-year celebration of the ATSV St. Valentin in the Volksheim in St. Valentin, which was sold out to the last seat. Chairwoman Renate Oberbramberger and her small team conjured up a worthy festival hall from the Volksheim, the first permanent place of activity of the ATSV St. Valentin.

The numerous guests at the party, headed by ASKÖ Upper Austria President DI Erich Haider and the Mayor of the municipality, Mag. Kerstin Suchan-Mayr, City Councilor, Mag. Andreas Hofreither, City Councilor, Andreas Pum, and numerous other city and municipal councillors, also showed up at this celebration very impressive.

The 100th anniversary of the ATSV St. Valentin is a true milestone in an eventful history of the club, characterized by ups and downs. Despite this, the club shows no sign of fatigue. On the contrary, over the decades, a multifaceted association has developed from the gymnastics group division, which divides its activities into the four sections “gymnastics – judo – volleyball – jazz dance”.

“ATSV St. Valentin can be proud of its 100th anniversary. We are proud and particularly pleased that this association has belonged to ASKÖ OÖ since it was founded in 1921,” says Erich Haider, President of ASKÖ OÖ DI Erich Haider.

Sport is very important in our society.

Mayor Mag. Kerstin Suchan-Mayr especially thanked all club members and officials for their commitment in St. Valentin. Furthermore, the diverse program of the ATSV, which is really impressive, was praised by the mayor. The ATSV, which with around 500 members is one of the larger clubs in St. Valentin, has a fixed place in the sporting life of St. Valentin and beyond.

In addition to a great show program with ProntoPronto – the waiter’s sensation including a gala dinner served by Mahl12, the ATSV and its gymnasts rounded off this celebration.

Marco Mayr, the figurehead of the ATSV, did a great exercise on the rings in the Volksheim. Witold Dobertsberger and Lukas Stipani showed an interesting judo show fight on stage. Christina Bauer and her partner Jamal impressed with a glamorous jazz dance interlude for enthusiasm among the guests.

Another highlight was the presentation of the Golden Medal of Honor from ASKÖ Upper Austria to Christian Maurer, who has been with the club for 59 years and as a trainer for 45 years. Christian started gymnastics at the age of six. The guests gave Christian a standing ovation for this meritorious work for the club.

Finally, with the dance and cover band “JB 4”, the party continued until the early hours of the morning.


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