’76ers’ are fined for violating NBA rules in connection with Embida’s return

The Philadelphia “76ers” unit of the National Basketball Association received a fine for reports of injury to leader Joel Embyd.

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The embryo had suffered a concussion and a fracture of the orbit of the eye in the first-round play-offs, so the basketball player missed the first two second-round games against the Miami Heat.

In the third semi-final of the conference, however, he returned to the field to help the Philadelphia team succeed by scoring 18 points and winning 11 rebounds.

“76ers” did not announce Embyd’s readiness to go on the field before the game, so he received a fine of 50 thousand US dollars (about 47 thousand euros).

Initially, before Friday’s game, he was marked as a player who will not go on the court. Also, after the litters before the 76ers, although the media was told that Embyd was able to play, he had not been removed from the list of injured players. It was only after the warm-up before the game itself that the team’s player list was marked as ready to go on the field.

The 76ers will play their next game in the semifinals of the Eastern Conference against the Heat on Sunday.

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