A pilot project without great risk – Vorarlberger Nachrichten

Dornbirn “We have nothing to lose and can really only win, but above all gain a lot of experience and learn a lot.” At 29, coach David Böhler is the oldest in the squad of UJC Dornbirn, which is participating in the second ÖJV Bundesliga this year. After the voluntary withdrawal of the ULZ Vorarlberg in 2010 and a twelve-year absence, the state is again represented in a national team competition. A total of nine teams from Upper Austria (Kirchham, Burgkirchen/Schwand and Reichraming), Salzburg (PSV and Bischofshofen), Styria (Leibnitz and Graz) as well as Samurai Vienna and Dornbirn are registered in the second performance level. Fighting will be in the form of collection rounds next Sunday in Bischofshofen and on September 17th in Leibnitz.

The fact that the league does not take place in daily competitions but in group competitions was a key factor for participation. “Of course we would have liked to present ourselves at home. But maybe there will be an opportunity next year,” explains Böhler.

For the trainer, participation is a pilot project without great risk: “After three years in the Alpen-Adria-Liga, a kind of western league, we wanted to give the many talents in our club a new perspective. However, we are under no illusions and see participation as the next development step and a kind of reward. With an average age of just under 20, we are by far the youngest team. Our expectations are deliberately kept low to take the pressure off the fighters. Of course we want to, but we don’t have to win.”

For the time being, participation is fixed for two seasons and everything after that should be decided in autumn 2024 at the earliest. VN-JD

“We have nothing to lose and can gain a lot of experience.”



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