Archery in Sillé-le-Guillaume. The feast and the flood

The Sillé club would like to thank all the archers who took part in this “historic” competition. ©DR.

Sunday May 8le concours from archery been victim of deluge. The archers were very hot.

About sixty archers were present under a comforting sun after so many months where everyone, including the archers, had been deprived of meetings and sporting and festive events.

A sorry sight
A distressing spectacle ©DR

The force of nature

At the end of the competition, the sky darkened suddenly giving way to a deluge of wind, storm, hail and rain of such violence that the barnum, loaned by the town hall, could not resist!

And yet, all the archers present, Mrs. Isabelle Renaud sports assistant, her husband, the mayor, Gérard Galpin, the photographer from the Alps who came to take pictures, finally everyone was trying to maintain the structure!

We had to let go, the bones creaking and bending under the cataclysm.

Everything collapsed without causing any injuries, everyone sheltering as best they could!

At the end of the deluge, everyone came back to see the damage and recover what was possible!

Videos: currently on Actu

The referees present made the decision to cancel the contest.

He almost flew away…

“We would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts, the archers from other clubs, the club volunteers, the referees, the municipality present, the journalist from the Alpes Mancelles who almost flew away with the structure, all of you were remarkable and solidarity!

We are able to feel what those who lose everything in a climatic event feel, for archers to a lesser extent of course!

Nathalie broke her record

Small happiness of the day however with the performance of Nathalie Bécu in barebow at 50 m, which explodes her personal best with 512 points, record which will not be approved since the competition has been canceled.

“An archer never drops anything…except a barnum in stormy weather”.

Eventually, the competition was cancelled.
Eventually, the competition was cancelled. ©DR.

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