Basket, the women’s basketball Pisa wins in the final Firenze – Sport

Pisa, 10 May 2022 – With an excellent last, decisive, fourth, the Pisa Women’s Basketball sponge in C series the field of PF Firenze, rear of the promotion group, thus continuing to fuel the hope of reaching the top four.

THE CHRONICLE – Difficult game from the start, with the home team responding blow for blow to the offensive actions of Sergio Ferro’s girls, who manage the game, without ever stretching, due to the usual shooting inaccuracies and some defensive smear, especially on rebounds. The race proceeds point by point for three periods, in the fourth Pisa takes off and goes to +11con Benedictines e Barbieri on the shields, and then close, after a decisive return of the home team, on 63-51.

THE VALUES – Convincing race, with an excellent defensive performance, by a very compact team, with the contribution of the under 19s aggregated to the team. To report Barbieri e Benedictines in double figures, respectively with 14 and 15 points, and the Mbeng sisters always ready to fight under the basket.

PF Florence-PF Pisa 51-63
: 15-17, 28-30, 38-37.
PF Pisa: Lucarelli, Sgorbini 8, Mercolini 3, Mbeng T. 5, Ferri, Mbeng V. 7, Benedettini 15, Beccari 6, Barbieri 14, Sereni 5, Del Colombo. Coach: Ferro.



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