Coach Canella greets Trapani • First Page Trapani

After 8 years, Fabrizio Canella will start a new professional adventure outside Trapani. During these years Canella has held the role of head of the youth sector and has actively contributed to the achievement of the splendid sporting results of the young grenades in recent years, but has also profitably assumed the difficult task of assistant coach of the first team, first with coach Lardo and then with coach Parente.

Pallacanestro Trapani wishes Fabrizio Canella its best wishes for a continuation of a career full of joys and satisfactions.

These are the words of the managing director of 2B Control Trapani Nicolò Basciano: “Fabrizio Canella is one of those who accompanied our adventure in Trapani almost from the beginning and between us there will always be great esteem and friendship. Our professional paths will divide but all the results obtained together in these 8 years with the youth sector and the first team will remain forever.”.

The now former assistant coach of Trapani Basketball also wanted to give a thought to the city and to all the grenade fans: “These years in Trapani have been splendid for me, not only on a professional level but above all on a human level, I found the woman of my life and my daughter was born in Trapani, it goes without saying that this city will forever be my second home. At a working level I have met many people who fortunately for me have become, and will always be, Friends.

In recent years, away from my home, I have grown a lot, I have broadened my visions and I have learned a lot from all the people I have been in contact with. The thanks to be made are many, first of all to Pietro and Nicola Basciano, who reassured me that regardless of professional choices, an intense relationship will always remain between us, like one of the family. This gives the figure of the great humanity of the Basciano family and of the fact that there is a healthy and serious environment inside the Trapani Basketball Club.

I would like to individually list all the people who work within the “family” of Pallacanestro Trapani but it is impossible. In thanking the company that has welcomed me in all these years, I therefore intend to extend a hug and thanks to all those who have worked with me. A special thanks, however, I would like to do it to all the technical staff and in particular to Daniele Parente who is like a brother to me. I wish Pallacanestro Trapani, of which I will remain a fan, a rosy future full of victories “.


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