Cyane Thuriès formidable on the tatami

Don’t be fooled by his cute face. Once her feet are on the tatami, Cyane Thuriès puts on her warrior outfit.

The proof, his last two medals at the AuRA championship and his qualification for the nationals.

“I will find her at the next French championships. Cyane talks about her opponent who deprived her of the highest step on the podium of the espoirs championships reserved for first-year cadets. “I had beaten her the day before in the so-called second division competition”, breathes the young Vichyssoise. It smells of sulphur!

Think again, the observation is said without gritting your teeth. Cyane, a 15-year-old schoolgirl and licensed at Vichy ASG Judo, only becomes a competitor once the compulsory salute has been taken. The first step towards his adversary triggers a mechanism. On to battle! Apart from the allotted three minutes, the juvenile licensed from Vichy ASG Judo practices the martial art in a playful mode.

No headache, no idol in the discipline, no poster on the walls of his teenage room. Not even time spent watching big tournaments on the small screen.

“A rich and varied technique”

And yet, last weekend in Grenoble, she made the podium twice. Silver medal in junior 2 e division and AuRA vice-champion in hopes. Excuse a bit! Without excessive jubilation in victory, nor tearful in setbacks.

Only about dithyramb, to talk about his coach. Pardon “from his teacher”, Frédéric Gouby. “In the pre-fight strategy, he always sees correctly”, confides the young judoka.

Return of praise: “Cyane benefits from a rich and varied technique as good standing as on the ground. »

Next goals, the black belt – promised for the end of the season – and the French championships. We’ll have to make room in the trophy cabinet.


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