Dania María Vergara is in mourning; she lost her ‘baby’

The artist and accordionist Dania María Vergara, daughter of Ulpiano Vergara, is going through a sad moment after the death of her “baby”.

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Baby, that’s how he nicknamed his best friend, his little brother, his companion on all his trips. “How much sadness my heart feels baby! I still can’t believe it, you know, I still wish I hadn’t come to the hospital and not been able to do anything for you. But it comforts me to have shared so much with you, since we were children, we were brothers like the post you wrote me for my birthday and you always told me my baby”, he highlighted in a beautiful “post”.

Dania also highlighted that: “Our childhood, our adolescence, and now in the mature stage we enjoy it a thousand times, how many days in Panama, at events, outings to the beach that you liked so much, restaurants, baseball games, concerts, my reign , graduations, politics, your face sounds familiar to me, the visit of Pope Francis and so much that I have to remember with you,” he said.

She thanked her baby for all the love and affection he gave her and her family. “Thank you my baby because perhaps you were more than I would have wanted to be for you now! We will never forget you with that smile and that love that you gave us all. I will miss going to your office and talking about everything, the nights until late packing corn, thank you baby because on this last birthday you were present and believe me that it will stay forever, it was very special to be surrounded by people like you,” she explained.

His great friend leaves a great void in his life, a deep sadness. It will not be easy to resign yourself to knowing that you will no longer be in this earthly world: “You left us with an emptiness and a sadness that is not easy, but I trust that God receives you with open arms, you must be with Grandfather Orestes, give me a super hug. And I fully trust that we will see each other soon, I promise you that we will continue to fulfill everything, every plan that we talked about on that trip that you and I made to Panama and back, we talked so much. God be with you on this trip, We will never forget you, you will live among us forever!” he said.


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